The Hirer, not being a person under 18 years of age, shall during the period of hiring be responsible for the premises including proper supervision of the car parking arrangements, to avoid excessive noise when entering or leaving the premises; to ensure there is no obstruction of the highway and the exits are not blocked.
The Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition and items belonging to the Centre, used during the hire period, are replaced in their usual position; otherwise, The Management shall be at liberty to make an additional charge. As necessary recovering any such charge from the Damage Deposit.
The Hirer shall hire the premise for such times that all setting-up and clearing down is completed within the booked time. The Management shall be at liberty to make an additional charge for occupation of the premise outside the booked period. As necessary recovering any outstanding payment from the Damage Deposit.
The Hirer shall not permit the premises to be used for purposes other than those stated when booking.
The Hirer agrees to pay full compensation to the Management for any damage or loss to the building or its contents, by or during the use of the premises by the Hirer.
The Hirer may be required to pay a booking deposit of at least one third of the total cost of the booking. The booking deposit is non-refundable. A damage deposit will also be taken prior to the booked date and may be used to cover damage, inadequate cleaning/clearing-up or unrequested extended hours of use.
The Hirer shall not discriminate in any activities on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs, or marital status.
The management reserve the right to refuse any booking without explanation and to cancel any booking on reasonable grounds. The Management will not be liable for any loss that may be sustained by the Hirer because of such a cancellation.
The Management cannot accept liability for any loss of, or damage to any article brought to the premises, however caused.
The Management reserve, always, the right of entry to the premises or any of its facilities.
The Management have a Public Liability Insurance, but it is the Hirers responsibility to organise insurance cover, specific to the groups/ user’s activity concerned.
The Centre has a licence to supply alcohol, provide regulated entertainment, such as a performance of live music, or provide late night refreshment or any combination of these activities which includes the sale of alcohol. The Coplow Centre Management Committee has the exclusive right to supply all alcohol consumed on the premises. Corkage will be charged for unauthorized provision of alcohol.
The number of persons allowed on the premises shall not exceed the figures stated on the Public Entertainment’s Licence displayed on the notice board in the premises.
Music at any function must end at the time stated on the Hire Agreement Form.
Any catering by the Hirer on the premises must comply with all current legislation.
All vehicles and property are left on the Car Park at the owner’s risk and the Management will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused.
The Hirer accepts in full The Coplow Centre Terms and Conditions